
Terms of use of this website

Use of this site, from Italy and abroad, is allowed under the following conditions.

The terms of use may be modified at any time without notice, and therefore the user is forced to read regularly.

Conditions shall be construed in accordance with the laws and regulations.


Diffusione Industriale can not be held responsible for the contents of this site or sites mentioned which do not constitute advice or recommendations of use.

Diffusione Industriale Industrial diffusion can not be held liable for any damages, direct expenses indirect and/or consequential damages, lost profits or loss of production resulting from improper use and/or misuse of any products purchased or the misinterpretation of the information given.

Diffusione Industriale is exempted from any liability arising from the mismatch of the products purchased in relation to changes effectively due to technological progress, design by the manufacturer or regulatory changes.


All trademarks used on the site are "Copyright" of the owner.


For any dispute arising from the application of the conditions of use, the competent Court is the Court of Milan.


For any clarification, please contact:

Diffusione Industriale S.r.l.s.   |   Via San Carlo 54   |   20861 Brugherio  MB


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This website was created using PrestaShop™ open-source software.

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