Support and services

Diffusion Industrial S.r.l.s. in addition to products intended to provide the support and services needed to improve the processes of customer purchase, from the technical aspects to economic and logistical/management..

Product selection

Select a product that meets your needs means effectiveness and efficiency. We invite you to contact our team for any doubt about the choice of a product or simply to expose the need, our staff will be at formularti adequate technical proposal.


Send us an inquiry for a particular purchase or for a product not found in vatalogo On-Line, we'll help you find the best economical solution for your supply.

Custom products

Do you need a customized product, a kit or assembled product? Send us your request attaching your design and you will receive an adequate technical and economic proposal.

Large orders, scheduled orders and repeat orders

Contact us if you have to proceed with a consistent supply or if you need to place an order with deliveries planned or if your orders are repetitive on a few codes; cost savings and simplified management are the main advantages.

Custom packaging

Your production processes or supply require special packaging for quantity or product mix? you will need a kit ready for use? Diffusion Industrial S.r.l.s. can help you save time and money.


Diffusion Industrial S.r.l.s. is able to help you for the technical training of staff in relation to the application processes of the products (Courses cold welding and hot weld plastics infrared, special processes for the electronics industry and medical).

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